Our specialty is comprehensive care for the elderly and patients with Alzheimer's disease and other diseases causing dementia. We treat our clients the same way we treat our family members. With love. To make them feel at home with us and among their loved ones.


comprehensive care for the elderly and Alzheimer's patients

Unique linking of social and health services

We offer a unique combination of health and social services at the highest achievable level. Our facilities are designed for clients who need the assistance of another person 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Services are provided in comfortable, safe and at the highest possible level of staffing and technical equipment in residential social service facilities. For our helpful staff, an individual, friendly and personal approach is a matter of course. Client care is provided by a regularly trained and well-coordinated team of social service workers, general and practical nurses and other staff. The basis of care is to maximise the activation of the client and to meet all their individual needs using the most up-to-date procedures.

We are a registered provider of social services:

  • home with special regime
  • home for the elderly
  • home for people with disabilities
  • nursing service

Active lifestyle of clients

The professional staff supports clients' self-sufficiency and active lifestyle, respects their individual habits and preserves their rights and human dignity.

We engage our clients daily in a range of activities that are tailored to each individual. Thorough knowledge of each client, their habits, hobbies and interests, and personal needs helps us to tailor a mix of activities to make them as enjoyable as possible for the client. The trained staff use a variety of methods and ways of approaching and communicating with the client. For example, using memory training, reminiscence therapy, music therapy, basal stimulation or fine and gross motor exercises, therapeutic cooking and baking.

As part of our activation activities, we also organise a ladies' and men's club in our facilities, where we discuss classic female joys and worries, make up, relax with a face mask or paint our nails. The men, undisturbed by the women, discuss sports, politics and other purely male topics.

We don't close ourselves off - quite the opposite: we go on trips - we visit historical places, museums, theatres, zoos.

Our centres are also regularly visited by clergy.


Health Services

Our clients are provided with quality health services covering basic specialties that help to optimally diagnose and treat all common health problems and prevent them. There is a well-equipped medical department. Wherever possible and practical, clients are thus provided with examinations and outpatient treatment directly at the facility. Our collaborators are top specialists in general practice, psychiatry or other fields. We have a sophisticated system of medical visits and regular preventive checks of the mental and physical condition of our clients. Thanks to this, we are able to catch any change in health status and immediately adjust the medical, nursing and dietary regimen.

ALZHEIMER HOME je součástí skupiny Penta Hospitals. Penta Hospitals provozuje v České republice síť nemocnic i odborných ambulancí a je naším přirozeným záměrem, abychom našim klientům i rodinám do budoucna nabízeli lepší a komplexnější zdravotní služby, které se tímto unikátním spojením nabízí. Ambulance Penta s.r.o. je ve všech našich zařízeních poskytovatelem zdravotní péče v oboru všeobecné praktické lékařství a dále ve vybraných oborech specializované ambulantní péče.


Quality of care

Our main goal is to provide the best possible care for our clients. And that both clients and their loved ones are as satisfied as possible with the services we provide.

Quality care management is part of our action plan. Continuous improvement of the quality of care for our clients is our core mission. It is based on its continuous evaluation in all areas of care or on our investments in equipment.

Our goal is also to have all facilities certified with the Quality Mark awarded by the Association of Social Service Providers or the Dragonfly certification awarded by the Czech Alzheimer's Society.

Every visitor can continuously evaluate our care and our approach in all our facilities using terminals or QR codes.



Family and communication

Quality communication with our clients' loved ones is an important and integral component of our care. Close cooperation is an integral part of our work and we are in regular contact. Relatives are able to visit the client at any time, spend time with them and engage in activities. We also organise joint events - for example, Garden Fetes or Open Days.

We also regularly publish activities and information on:

  • Website - News sections, which are at each of the homes.
  • Facebook - each device has its own Facebook page. We also have a central Facebook. 
  • Family zone - Special sections of the website that are exclusively for family members. We are currently finalizing for each of our individual homes.
  • Newsletter - for each of our homes 4 times a year.

We provide all administrative services for our clients. Basic social counselling is available to relatives of clients.