Visit to the Christmas market

Have you been to see the Old Town Square? We have! With our clients from ALZHEIMER HOME Jasmín we went to the Old Town Square to enjoy the Christmas markets.⛪ From afar we could smell the tempting aroma of mulled wine☕ and all the goodies.🍡 We also stopped for one at the Old Town Restaurant. Some people had coffee with cake🧁, tea🫖 and others had beer🍺. In short, everyone chose what their throat would allow! This visit to the markets put the clients in a real Christmas mood and brought back heaps of memories of visiting the markets themselves with their families before the holidays.👨👩👧👧 They told us their memories and stories. They were beautiful, funny and loving life stories. We are happy that through our work we can be a part of it all, and through these memories that we are able to bring to the surface, we can be drawn into their own life stories.💕 That's what we think Christmas is all about.🎄🎅