Holasická 1154/2, 747 05 Opava +420 724 383 772

(negotiations with interested parties)
+420 720 039 253
Other contacts (click)


ALZHEIMER HOME is a unique project of linking cutting-edge health and social services in the care of patients with Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. Homes across the country are for clients who need the help of another person 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The mission of ALZHEIMER HOME is to provide comprehensive and individualized residential social services. The professional staff supports the clients' self-sufficiency and active lifestyle, respects their individual habits and preserves their rights and human dignity.



ALZHEIMER HOME Opava forms part of a modern administrative complex with one underground and one above-ground floor in a quiet part of Opava, the Kateřinky district. It is located in the immediate vicinity of the bus stop. Clients have at their disposal a spacious dining room and common rooms. The facility includes a therapeutic garden. The building has recently undergone a complete renovation.


Our clients are provided with quality health services covering basic specialties that help to optimally diagnose and treat all common health problems and prevent them. There is a well-equipped medical department. Wherever possible and practical, clients are thus provided with examinations and outpatient treatment directly at the facility. Our collaborators are top specialists in general practice, psychiatry or other fields. We have a sophisticated system of medical visits and regular preventive checks of the mental and physical condition of our clients. Thanks to this, we are able to catch any change in health status and immediately adjust the medical, nursing and dietary regimen.

ALZHEIMER HOME je součástí skupiny Penta Hospitals. Penta Hospitals provozuje v České republice síť nemocnic i odborných ambulancí a je naším přirozeným záměrem, abychom našim klientům i rodinám do budoucna nabízeli lepší a komplexnější zdravotní služby, které se tímto unikátním spojením nabízí. Ambulance Penta s.r.o. je ve všech našich zařízeních poskytovatelem zdravotní péče v oboru všeobecné praktické lékařství a dále ve vybraných oborech specializované ambulantní péče.

Complete equipment of all rooms

Our clients are accommodated in a pleasant home environment in single, double and triple rooms with private bathroom. All rooms are fully equipped, yet we offer the possibility of their own retrofitting.



Capacity of the home



Activation activities

Being active is important at any age. We engage our clients daily in a range of activities that are tailored to each individual. Knowing our clients' habits, interests and personal needs helps us to tailor a mix of activities to make their day enjoyable and enjoyable. Trained staff use a variety of methods and approaches and communication in their work.

The cornerstones of the activation activities are reminiscence therapy, memory training and music therapy. Specially equipped rooms for fine and gross motor exercises are used for activation.

Nor do we close ourselves off from the world - quite the opposite.


  • Vážená paní ředitelko, milé sestřičky, pečovatelky a ostatní zaměstnanci AH v Opavě,  kniha života mé maminky se uzavřela. Do jejího druhého domova u vás již přicházet nebudu. Chtěla bych ale, abyste věděli, že u vás byla maminka velmi, velmi spokojená. I přes svou nemoc si situaci dokázala uvědomit a rozumově pochopit, když často říkala: ,,Já vím, sama bych se o sebe postarat už nemohla, ty by ses uhonila, a já se tím pak utrápila. Já jsem tady spokojená. Všichni jsou na mne hodní, je tady čisto, teplo a klid. Co víc si můžu přát.“ Maminka odešla a my jsme tady zůstali. Chtěla bych vám za sebe i za maminku ještě jednou poděkovat. A také vám vyjádřit svou obrovskou úctu za vaši práci. Až budete někdy pochybovat (protože takové okamžiky občas určitě přijdou), zda mají vaše snaha a úsilí smysl, zda vaši práci dokáže někdo ocenit, možná vám pomůže vzpomínka na mne a na mou maminku. Ať už budete kdekoliv, pro mne zůstanete těmi, kteří mé mamince vytvořili druhý domov, když jsem jej já sama zabezpečit nemohla. Ještě jednou vám děkuji. S úctou, (duben 2024)
    E.H. (Nový Jičín)
  • Hello Director, thank you and your staff for the excellent and professional service you provided to my mother. Best regards and wishes for a joyful and peaceful Christmas season to you and all your staff.December 2022
  • Dear Director, thank you and the entire team for taking care of my mother and I wish you a Merry Christmas and a very healthy, energetic, happy and content New Year.
  • Thank you very much for your exemplary service and good health and success in the New Year. We give everyone 1*.
  • Hello, thank you very much to the whole team of ALZHEIMER HOME Opava. Even though our dad is not involved in the activation, I myself appreciate this activity very much and I perceive your work with clients very positively. I find it very good that you do these activities with your clients. And there is a lot of it. All the creative workshops, the baking, the cakes, the decorating of the corridors, the walks. I wish you beautiful bright days. (May 2023)
  • Thank you so much to all the staff for taking care of our parents. Thank you  
  • Hello, I wanted to thank all of you at the home for taking care of my uncle. We really appreciate it and thank you, we know this job is not easy.
  • Dear Director, we would like to express our gratitude to you and to all those who participated in the great event on 27 June 2023, which was a visit to the Nový Dvůr Arboretum near Opava. Mum Mrs. Anna was very satisfied and praised everyone very much. Thank you very much Have a nice rest of the day
    Jiří and Zdeněk K.
  • Dear Director, I would like to thank you and all the nurses and staff of Alzheimer Home Opava for taking care of my mother, Mrs. Fanynka. My mother is happy in your home, and this is probably the best appreciation of your work and praise for all the employees of Alzheimer Home Opava. Thank you once again and I wish everyone good health, energy and vigour.
  • Hello, Director, thank you and all your staff at ALZHEIMER HOME Opava for your caring care for my father and of course for all the other clients. Although I know that you do not have an easy job, I will be happy to remember the always helpful and smiling caregivers, nurses and other employees. I wish you much joy and success in your challenging work. (August 2023)



Virtual tour


How to become a client


Holasická 1154/2, Opava-Katerinky, 747 05

+420 724 383 772




Ema Strouhalová
Director of the facility
+420 720 039 253
Mgr. Iveta Švubová (Navrátilová)
Social worker
+420 737 885 084
Kamila Koleňáková
station nurse
+420 737 884 330
Mgr. Michaela Valčíková
Meetings with people interested in the service - region Moravia
+420 724 383 772

Contacts - nurses' station

Continuous line
Nurse on duty
+420 739 298 947

Where to find us