ALZHEIMER HOME Filipov (Čáslav)

Zámecká 1/25, Filipov, 286 01 Čáslav +420 737 810 315

(negotiations with interested parties)


ALZHEIMER HOME is a unique project of linking cutting-edge health and social services in the care of patients with Alzheimer's disease and other types of dementia. Homes across the country are for clients who need the help of another person 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. The mission of ALZHEIMER HOME is to provide comprehensive and individualized residential social services. The professional staff supports the clients' self-sufficiency and active lifestyle, respects their individual habits and preserves their rights and human dignity.



ALZHEIMER HOME Filipov can be found near Čáslav. The recent overall modernization has enabled an increase in the level and quality of care provided.

Nezaměnitelný půvab našemu centru propůjčuje budova připomínající zámek Hluboká, ale i rozmanitost krajiny, v níž se stýkají Železné hory a rovinaté Polabí. Procházky po parku, který je součástí centra, klientům zpestřují holandské zakrslé kozy z našeho zoo koutku.


Our clients are provided with quality health services covering basic specialties that help to optimally diagnose and treat all common health problems and prevent them. There is a well-equipped medical department. Wherever possible and practical, clients are thus provided with examinations and outpatient treatment directly at the facility. Our collaborators are top specialists in general practice, psychiatry or other fields. We have a sophisticated system of medical visits and regular preventive checks of the mental and physical condition of our clients. Thanks to this, we are able to catch any change in health status and immediately adjust the medical, nursing and dietary regimen.

ALZHEIMER HOME je součástí skupiny Penta Hospitals. Penta Hospitals provozuje v České republice síť nemocnic i odborných ambulancí a je naším přirozeným záměrem, abychom našim klientům i rodinám do budoucna nabízeli lepší a komplexnější zdravotní služby, které se tímto unikátním spojením nabízí. Ambulance Penta s.r.o. je ve všech našich zařízeních poskytovatelem zdravotní péče v oboru všeobecné praktické lékařství a dále ve vybraných oborech specializované ambulantní péče.

Complete equipment of all rooms

Our clients are accommodated in a pleasant home-like environment in double to triple rooms with private bathroom. All rooms are fully equipped, however we offer the possibility of their own retrofitting. The whole area is fully wheelchair accessible.


ALZHEIMER HOME Filipov (Čáslav)

Capacity of the home



Activation activities

Being active is important at any age. We engage our clients daily in a range of activities that are tailored to each individual. Knowing their habits, interests and personal needs helps us to tailor a mix of activities to make their day enjoyable and enjoyable. Trained staff use a variety of methods and ways of approaching and communicating with clients using basal stimulation and elements of validation.

The cornerstones of the activation activities are reminiscence therapy, memory training and music therapy. Specially equipped rooms for therapeutic gymnastics, massages, aromatherapy are also used for activation. In addition, canister therapy dogs visit us every week.

We don't close ourselves off from the world - quite the opposite: we go on trips and exhibitions, some clients attend the University of the Third Age, a pastor and a priest visit the centre.



  • Dobrý den, paní Najbrtová, chtěli bychom touto cestou vyslovit velké poděkování  Vám i celému kolektivu ALZHEIMER HOME ve Filipově. I když naše babička u vás bohužel nepobývala dlouho, poznali jsme, že péče o takto nemocné osoby u vás je skutečně obdivuhodná. Přístup Váš, sester i ošetřovatelek byl velmi vstřícný, setkali jsme se jen s milými a ochotnými lidmi. Umístit do takového zařízení rodinného příslušníka není pro rodinu snadné, ale přesvědčili jsme se, že u vás jí byla věnována čtyřiadvacetihodinová péče, kterou bychom sami jen těžko mohli zajistit. Za vaši starostlivost, laskavý přístup, krásné nápady pro zpříjemnění pobytu a  spoustu úsměvů ještě jednou děkujeme. Přejeme jen samé hezké dny. P. a Z.M. (duben 2024)  
    P. a Z.M.
  • Dobrý den, dovolte mi poděkovat za Vaši péči o moji maminku. Je u Vás ve Filipově právě měsíc. A já vidím, jak se dává po pobytu v nemocnici a krvácení do mozku fyzicky do pořádku, jak se zlepšuje. Cením si toho, že kdykoliv do domova přijdu, vidím usměvavé a laskavé tváře zaměstnanců. Slyším, jak se staroušky hezky a důstojně jednají, jak se jim věnují. Musím říct, že vejdu do domova a je zde vždy čisto a voňavo a působí prostředí na mně „pohodově“. Několikrát jsem přišla v době podávání oběda nebo svačiny. Tedy fakt skvělá úroveň, např. obložené chlebíčky, které jsou už na pohled lákavé, kuřecí polévka jak od maminky… a vše podáváno s úsměvem. A tak i já jsem se „psychicky‘‘ začala dávat do pořádku a pohody. Mám v zádech pocit, že je o maminku dobře postaráno. Velice si všech lidí, kteří takto dělají svou práci vážím a hluboce se před nimi klaním. Přeji Vám hodně úspěchů ve vašem pracovním i osobním životě. (leden 2024)
  • Vážená paní ředitelko, ve vašem zařízení v ALZHEIMER HOME dříve Alzheimercentrum je již několik let umístěna moje maminka AK. Já se svojí rodinou bydlím v Praze, a tak během roku mohu většinou přijet za maminkou pouze o víkendu. Kdykoliv přijedu maminka je vždy upravená, čistá, voňavá a vzhledem k svému věku 91 r. vypadá i spokojeně. V případě jakékoliv potřeby Vaši zaměstnanci reagují ochotně a vždy jsme spokojeni s jejich adekvátní reakcí a vstřícností. Vždy nám najdou místo, kde máme s maminkou soukromí. Vážená paní ředitelko, chci Vám i všem Vašim zaměstnancům touto cestou MOC poděkovat za péči o maminku a vstřícné jednání ať se jedná o cokoliv. Do nového roku Vám i všem Vašim zaměstnancům přeji hodně zdraví, hodně duševní síly a hodně slunce v duši. (prosinec 2023)
    S.M. s rodinou
  • Vážená paní ředitelko, ráda bych Vám tímto chtěla poděkovat za úžasné služby pod Vašim vedením… Maminku paní Martu C. pravidelně navštěvujeme, tedy já Ivana B. C. a můj bratr Jiří C. … Víme, kolik úsilí je třeba vynaložit pro důstojný život Vašich klientů. Práce celého týmu je přátelská, profesionální, a přitom velmi rodinná. Maminka je u Vás 2,5 let a jsme opravdu spokojeni, a i na návštěvách se cítíme být vítáni jako doma. Je skvělé se k Vám vracet vždy znovu. Přejeme všem zdraví, lásku a krásný Adventní čas. Děkujeme Jiří a Ivana C. (prosinec 2023)
    Jiří a Ivana C.
  • Dear Director, I would like to sincerely thank you and all your colleagues for the wonderful meeting that we were able to attend together on Monday afternoon 18.9.2023 in the castle garden. We and my mother, who is your client, enjoyed the Elvis Presley show very much, Mr. "Elvis" was really great - he sang very nicely and we liked how he tried to involve not only the clients but also you and your colleagues in his show. Thank you also for the amazing refreshments, everything was delicious! On a personal note though, I have to mention what "got me" in the best sense of the word, which was how completely all the AH staff cared about the clients in their care - always making sure they were drinking, bringing them goodies and helping them with their meals, and then even dancing together, even the clients who didn't have relatives at the meeting weren't lonely, but had kind and caring staff around them. For the family of Mrs. K. Thank you and all your colleagues very much not only for this afternoon together, but especially for your daily work with our mother and all the clients of AH Filipov. I look forward to seeing you again and wish you all good health, strength and joy! (October 2023)
  • Ladies and gentlemen! Mrs. Jaroslava from Kolín stayed in your facility. It was not an easy and simple matter for our family to remove her from her family environment, but unfortunately it was the only best and necessary alternative for her further life. However, with all the misfortune, we were lucky enough to be able to place her with you. However, she has not been able to enjoy many things and appreciate the advantages of staying with you properly. We, however, have become increasingly aware of how well she is cared for and that we really could not have chosen better. Whether it was the meals, the accommodation, the care from the staff and at the beginning the freedom to move around the building and garden and other possible activities and services. We realised how well you do it most when, after about a year, a little worried about how she would react, we took Mum home to Cologne to her beloved garden, where we made coffee and cakes in beautiful weather. After asking how she liked it, she said, "I want to go home." We were a little surprised, but had to state with some regret that home for her was not in Cologne, but in Philippi, and that was a good thing. Fate has ended our mother's stay in your home, and we have no choice but to thank you most sincerely on behalf of our entire family and wish you every success and happy clients in your meritorious work.
    Bohuslav K.
  • Dear Mrs. Koutová, I would like to thank you all for taking care of my mother, Mrs. Blanka. I am very pleased that every visit she is well-groomed, well-groomed, smiling. Thank you very much to all the staff, everyone is always smiling, kind, helpful, patient. Not only during visits but also on the phone. Someone from the staff always helps my mother with the phone calls. It's admirable with such a hard, strenuous and demanding job in caring for clients (physical and mental) to always be in good spirits. And doing extra work - washing the mobile phone case, describing the rabbit that Mummy is always with at night ........ We all have a good feeling about the atmosphere at home - you can tell a good workplace climate, it's certainly a credit to the management. On Sunday we had mum at home for a while, she was happy. She asked what time she was going back home. She's at home with you and that's a nice message for us. On her return, the carer again received her with a smile. Mum also praised the kitchen. In terms of hygiene, the care is also of a very high standard. I wish you all good health, peace and well-being. Blanka K.
    Blanka K.
  • Our heartfelt thanks to all who took care of our mother and gave her exemplary care until her last moments. We greatly appreciate your patient and responsive approach and the energy you devote to making your clients feel comfortable and almost at home. Sincerely, Josef P.
    Josef P.
  • Dear Director, I would like to thank not only you, but also all the employees of Filipov. It is not easy to find the right words when someone close to you passes away and a big empty space is left. But it is not so empty - it is full of sadness, pain and doubts whether you have done your best. Thanks to you, I am spared these doubts. My mother spent ten years and nine days in Philippi and I must admit that at first my feelings were mixed. I wanted to be close to her, but I would never have been able to give her the care she received from you. I know best myself that it was not easy to meet her demands. The work of your entire team requires a great deal of patience, various expertise and not least physical ability. For us, the loved ones of your clients, your efforts are also very important, so that the insidious disease does not take away the last vestiges of their dignity. I wish everyone else to be lucky enough to entrust their loved ones to your kind care. Unfortunately, your capacity is not unlimited. I would like to express my admiration and thanks to all of you.
    Monika M.
  • Dear Director, Dear staff, we would like to express our gratitude to you through the following lines for the care of our mother Maria, who spent the last years of her life in your facility - Filipov. The very place in which your facility is located is very pleasant and peaceful. You have managed to transform a historic building in the quiet location of Filipov Castle Park into a cosy, homely environment, which is sensitively adapted to the long-term stay of elderly people in various stages of illness. Allow us to express our sincere thanks to the entire team for the many years of dedicated and caring care provided to our mother. A big thank you to all the nurses, nursing assistants and caregivers for their willingness and efforts throughout. We really appreciate all their hard, strenuous and exhausting work and we are very happy that our mum was able to spend her last moments here and not in hospital. Thank you again to all of you, from the management, to the nursing staff in the kitchen and the people who take care of the maintenance of the entire facility. We wish you to continue to maintain a positive attitude, motivation, enthusiasm and plenty of empathy, which will help you to continue to care for and look after your clients to such a high standard. We hope you will be pleased to know that from our family's point of view, we consider ourselves fortunate that our mother was able to spend her last years of illness in your facility. Our memories of her will always be connected with you. Thank you ... Ivana F. and family, David H. and family
    Ivana F. and family, David H. and family

Virtual tour


How to become a client


Zámecká 1/25, 286 01 Čáslav

+420 737 810 315




Mgr. Linda Najbrtová
Social worker
+420 774 774 015
Edita Korytarová
Jednání se zájemci o umístění - Praha a Střední Čechy
+420 604 366 496

Contacts - nurses' station

Continuous line
Nurse on duty
+420 774 774 013

Where to find us