Quick dementia screening

Questionnaire for family and friends

When memory disorders start to bother a person and cause him or her difficulties in everyday life, they may still be seemingly subtle to the patient's surroundings. They may be attributed to excessive stress, fatigue or be seen as a consequence of older age. This is not correct; memory disorders need attention.

Even so-called mild cognitive impairment gradually develops into some form of dementia in about 50 % cases. Therefore, it is important to pay due attention to memory disorders in your loved ones (and also in yourself). This test will help you to quantify (measure) individual difficulties.

It is also an outline and a simple guide for the doctor to have a structured conversation with the family member and the patient himself, if he has sufficient insight into his condition and does not belittle it himself.

The test is simple to perform, you just need a quiet environment. Ask the following questions in turn. You will find the scores at the end of the test.

Test for dementia

How often or to what extent your loved one

1. Does he repeat himself and ask the same question over and over again?

2. Does he forget more than before especially things that happened recently or even a while ago?

3. Forgetting to take medication, buy more things at once, etc.?

4. Forget an appointment, a holiday, a family celebration?

5. Is he sadder or more clueless than before?

6. Does he have problems with counting, account management, etc.?

7. Is it true that he is no longer as interested in his former hobbies and interests?

8. Need help or at least advice with eating, dressing or hygiene?

9. Is he more excitable, suspicious, restless, talking nonsense, or seeing and hearing things that don't really exist?

10. Has his ability to drive a car deteriorated?

11. Looking for words, speaking less fluently, forgetting names?


Rate as follows

0 points - yes, often

1 point - sometimes

2 points - no


Evaluation of the test

22 - 21 points corresponds to the standard

20 - 19 points borderline condition, if you observe other symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor, it may be a different disease

18 points or less - consult a doctor